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How To Update a Facebook Post With a New Image

Have you ever posted a contest link on your Facebook Page only to realize afterwards that you need to update the image? Maybe you didn't replace the default stock image or something just isn't right with the image you chose. In this short tutorial, we'll walk you through the steps to update your Facebook post image with a new one.

Turn submissions into a voting contest

We just realeased a new feature that will save you some time. When you run a contest asking participants to submit a picture, you can now generate a voting question with all the uploaded pictures. Let's say for example that you run a contest asking participants to submit a photo of their Christmas tree. After the contest ends, you create a new one asking people to vote for their favorite tree picture. Before, you would have had to download all the pictures and upload them one by one as options of a multiple-choice question. That tedious work can now be automated with a single click.

More Options To Customize Your Reports

When exporting your contest's results or statistics to a PDF, you can now customize the title and the information displayed in the report. For the results report, you can select which questions to include. Free form questions can no longer be included in the PDF but you can export them to CSV or Excel.

A Better Way To Collect Phone Numbers

In the age of internet, email is often the preferred communication medium for businesses. However phone numbers are still very valuable and a more personal way to get in touch with customers. A phone number can also be used for texting or messaging with Whatsapp. To help you collect participants phone numbers, we are pleased to announce a new dedicated phone field that you can include in your contest forms.

Beyond Facebook Tabs

In their latest redesign of Business Pages, Facebook has ended support for third-party application tabs. This means that it is no longer possible to add a contest to a tab on your Facebook Page. Although this might seem problematic, let us explain how little of an impact this change will have on your contests.